Monday 18 May 2009

Ultimate Wolverine vs Hulk #5

I'm really enjoying this series. Damon Lindelof is one of the guys who writes Lost, which I must say I 'lost' (pun intended) interest in about halfway through the second season. This Ultimate series is written much like an episode of Lost with flashbacks and non-sequential story telling the order of the day, and I must say that it really works.

The premise you can probably guess from the title. Nick Fury sends Wolverine in all half-cocked to finish the job that a nuke to the face couldn't and kill the Hulk. The first thing to be said is that the story fits in rather snugly between Banner being executed aboard the aircraft carrier and his dramatic (and bloody brilliant) return in Ultimates 2.

I'm very much enjoying the way the Hulk/Banner character is being written, it's not anything ground-breaking. Hulk/Banner seems to have everything under control resulting in a Hulk with Banners intellect, although which one of them is in the driving seat is open for debate. That is of course until one of those pesky rages. As I said it's not ground-breaking but it's how I like the Hulk to be written.

The series deserves particular plaudits for the outrageous punishment handed out to poor old Wolverine and I can't wait for the final issue.

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