Sunday 10 May 2009

Dark Avengers #4

This is a rather average issue.

The Dark Avengers bring their 4 issue fight with Morgana Le Fey to a rather dull conclusion, really not much of anything happens in this issue. If you're not familiar with the premise of Dark Avengers, Norman Osborn is made the new director of Shield in the aftermath of the Secret Invasion. His first action is to disband the current Avengers and put together a new team made up of some of the Marvel Universe's shadier characters, Venom, Bullseye, Osborn, et al. With Dark Avengers I therefore feel the writers have a bit a fresh slate to create something new and interesting with these characters. Unfortunately so far most of the emphasis has been placed on the characters that most of us already know plenty about and I really want to read more about the others that have thus far been very much in the background. I'm definitely going to continue reading this series but hopefully the next story arc will engage me slightly more than this one has.

On a definite plus note the Sentry's tortured storyline has thus far been great and looks to be a real highlight of the series.

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