Wednesday 20 May 2009

Green Lantern Corps #36

So the Sciencells beneath OA have just been emptied of the greatest scum in the universe. I had assumed this issue would be big, silly, and fun, the front of the issue even has the word 'Riot' in large red letters. I wouldn't have minded big, silly, and fun, but actually this issue provides much, much more. I think in fact that this could be my favourite issue to date, there are three separate, very different plot lines that add up to an absolutely cracking issue. There's a wonderful sequence with Sinestro, who just seems to get better and better as a villain. There's the riot itself, which is a blitzkrieg on the senses, and there's a classic David and Goliath encounter between Mongol and Sodam Yat.


You could certainly be forgiven for thinking that this title would be Green Lantern's poor relative but I just can't stop reading it and long may it continue.

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