Sunday 28 June 2009

Daxam fights back....


There are great moments and then there are great moments. GL Corps really blew me away this month. The current arc, Emerald Eclipse, concludes next month and this issue in particular (#37) is a joy to read.

There are great moments in any medium, there are those great mind boggling, horizon broadening, plot twist moments that suddenly have you re-examining everything that you've just read. There are also those slightly more simple guilty pleasure moments, I'm going to call them the 'Helm's Deep' moments. That moment when Gandalf rides to the rescue at dawn, or in the movie when the elves come to help (I don't care what anyone says I love that addition), those are moments that make you smile uncontrollably.

This issue of GL Corps has one of those.

So how does Daxam throw off the yoke of slavery that the Sinestro Corps have so recently imposed upon them? Well.......... GL Sodam Yat a Daxamite himself is alerted to the plight of his people and rushes across the galaxy to their rescue headfirst, all half-cocked, into insurmountable odds. He can't do anything, there's no way, you think. He then flies into Daxam's red sun releasing all of his energy, nobly scarifying himself, to reignite the sun, turning it into a yellow sun. Great you say, he's reignited the sun to give his soon to be lifeless planet a few hundred thousand years more, way to play the long game GL Yat you think.

Except that a yellow sun suddenly gives every Daxamite Superman-esque powers, they start floating and shooting lasers from their eyes. It's just bloody brilliant stuff.

Before you ask, yes I have been smiling uncontrollably since I read it and giving myself silent high-fives. I now can't wait for next months issue, and isn't that what it's supposed to be all about?

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